
Columbus State University Degrees & Online Programs

Columbus State University appears in our ranking of the Top 25 Most Affordable Online Business Graduate Degrees.

Degrees offered at Columbus State University are available on the university’s campus in Columbus, Georgia, as well as online through CSU Online. Colleges and departments at the university include the College of the Arts, College of Letters and Science, College of Education and Health Professions, and the D. Abbott Turner College of Business. The university also has an Honors College and The Graduate School.

Popular programs offered at Columbus State University include those in business, computer and information sciences, education, and the visual and performing arts. The student-faculty ratio is 17:1, and the freshman retention rate is 74 percent, which is around the national average. More than 52 percent of the classes offered at the university have fewer than 20 students enrolled.

While enrolled in programs at Columbus State University, students may participate in study abroad sessions, as well as undertake research or complete projects at one of the centers operated by the university. Opportunities may exist at the Georgia Film Academy, the McCullers Center for Writers & Musicians, the Coca-Cola Space Science Center, and the Georgia Repertory Theatre.

CSU Online offers students the option of enrolling in undergraduate or graduate programs. The university also offers a variety of endorsements and certificates to online students. Some of the online bachelor’s degrees available include the Bachelor of Business Administration, the Bachelor of Science in Nursing, and the Bachelor of Science in Information Technology.

For graduate students, some of the online degree options include a Master of Science in Cybersecurity Management, a Master of Education in Educational Leadership, and a Master of Public Administration. Students can also earn a Master of Science in Nursing, a Master of Arts in Teaching, or a Master of Education in Teacher Leadership. The university also offers certificates online in areas like nurse education, computer science, online teaching, and healthcare informatics.

Degrees online at CSU commonly offer concentrations, so students can focus on an area of their personal interest. For example, the business administration degree offers a general concentration or an international business track. For the Master of Science in Applied Computer Science, students may focus on cybersecurity, software development, modeling & simulation, or a general track.

About Columbus State University

Columbus State University was founded in 1958 as Columbus College in the city of Columbus, Georgia. The university is guided by the Board of Regents of the University System of Georgia and operates as a public university. The university’s official colors are red and blue, and there are around 7,300 students attending the institution. The suburban campuses in Columbus cover 132 acres.

When it opened, the university was a junior college, and its first classes were held in a factory that manufactured women’s hosiery. Nearly 300 students were in attendance when the college opened, and it was staffed by 15 faculty members. Today, there are 300 academic staff members and almost 500 administrative staff members. The students are nicknamed the Cougars when they play in games in the Peach Belt Conference.

Columbus State University Accreditation Details

Columbus State University is institutionally accredited by the Southern Association of Colleges and Schools Commission on Colleges, which is one of several accrediting organizations throughout the United States that are recognized by the U.S. Department of Education. Institutional accreditation ensures the university can award college degrees. There are also some degree programs that are accredited programmatically by industry-specific commissions.

Approvals come from the Georgia Board of Nursing and the Commission on Collegiate Nursing Education for the bachelor’s degree program in nursing, as well as the National Council for Accreditation of Teacher Education for the educator preparation degrees. The Georgia Professional Standards Commission has also approved the educator programs that offer certification in the areas of counseling, library media, teaching, and educational leadership. The National Association of Schools of Art and Design has accredited the Department of Art.

Columbus State University Application Requirements

While enrolled in high school, students should make sure to complete the Required High School Curriculum (RHSC) of the university, which is a selection of college preparatory classes in areas like English, science, and math. In addition to completing the university’s required high school curriculum, prospective students must also submit standardized test scores, immunization records, and high school transcripts. Scores and transcripts should come directly from the student’s testing agency and high school.

For graduate students, required application materials include proof of a bachelor’s or master’s degree from an accredited institution, the official application, and a $50 non-refundable application fee. Students must also submit a certificate of immunization, official transcripts from all colleges attended, and test scores from the GRE, MAT, or GMAT. Students must also submit proof of Lawful Presence in the state.

Tuition and Financial Aid

Undergraduate tuition for Georgia residents at Columbus State University is $182.13 per credit. Out-of-state residents will pay $642.73 per credit. In addition, the university charges a fee of $802.50 to $935.00 each semester. Full-time enrollment in 12 credits means paying $3,120.56 as a resident or $8,647.76 as a non-resident. Fees charged by the university include an activity fee, athletic fee, access fee, technology fee, and several others.

Meanwhile, graduate students will pay $210.00 per credit if they’re from Georgia or $817.00 per credit if they’re from another state. Fees add another $802.50 to $935.00 to the total. For six credits of graduate study, residents will pay a total of $2,195.00 for tuition, and non-residents will pay $5,837.00 for tuition. For 12 credits, graduate students will pay $3,446.00 if they’re Georgia residents and $10,736.00 if they’re from outside the state.

Financial aid is available to qualified students who attend Columbus State University. The college requests that students submit their Free Application for Federal Student Aid (FAFSA) as early as possible to secure a financial aid award before classes begin and tuition is due. Students must submit a form each year they intend to enroll at Columbus State University to maintain their financial aid awards.

Financial aid disbursements may include loans, grants, and scholarships through federal, state, institutional, or private sources. Students may wish to explore the institutional scholarships offered by CSU because students don’t need to repay scholarships after they graduate. Scholarships and grants that may be offered to students who attend Columbus State University include the Student Research and Creative Endeavors Grant or the CSU Alumni Scholarship.

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